ActIT Technologies & Educational Services [P] Ltd. ActIt Technologies
Tel : 0191 2430603
Mob. : +91-9906123546
The Java training program from ActIT is designed for programmers who want to add the Java programming language to their skill set and for students who are preparing for the SCJP exam. The training program helps in demonstrating proficiency in the fundamentals of the Java Programming language. Servlets and JSP allow you to develop robust web applications that will run across multiple web servers and operating systems. This J2EE training course provides extensive hands-on experience in developing enterprise Java applications. You will learn how to use various technologies in J2EE and use the Struts framework to simplify development of large-scale web projects. This course will also benefit professionals who wish to take the Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) certification. Extensive hands-on exercises were designed to make sure you put the theories you learn into practice.

Core Java

Introduction to Java
Language Fundamentals
Java Classes & OOP Implementation
Packages & Intefaces
Extending Classes and Inheritence
Exception Handling
Arrays & Strings
Multi Threading
I/O Operations in Java
Collection Framework
Java GUI Programming
Event Handling
System Properties & Internationalization
Network Programming in Java
DataBase Programming Using JDBC

Advance Java (J2EE)

Collection Framework
DataBase Programming Using JDBC
MySQL DataBase
Introduction to J2EE
J2EE Services
Introduction to XML
Java Servlets
Java Server Pages & JSTL
Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
Enterprise Java Beans
Java Mail
J2EE Design & Implementation
Jasper Reports ( Java Reporting Technology)
Strutus Framework
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